David Shore, the Emmy and Peabody Award winning creator of the hit Fox Television series House, attributes much of his success to his idyllic upbringing in the bustling town of London, Ontario, Canada. Born to wonderful parents, Marvin and Cecile, David experienced a peaceful and happy childhood with his younger twin brothers, Robert and Philip. …
Month: April 2012
Supreme Court to hear SB 1070
On Wednesday, April 25, 2012, the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the Department of Justice’s challenge to Arizona’s tough Immigration Law SB 1070. Today, plaintiffs in cases that would be affected by a Supreme Court decision will hold a press conference to voice their concerns about anti-immigration laws in their respective …
H-1B Visa Cap
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) continues to accept H-1B visa petitions for the fiscal year 2013. USCIS makes 65,000 visas available each year. As of April 13, 2012, USCIS has received 20,600 petitions. H-1B visas are available to foreign nationals with the equivalent of a U.S. Bachelor Degree who will be in …
Defense of Marriage Act Challenged
Immigration advocates have filed a law suit on behalf of married couples who are denied immigration benefits solely because they are of the same-sex. The lawsuit challenges the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which defines marriage for Federal purposes as between a man and a woman. While these couples are legally married for state purposes, …